Auto Repair Shop in Spring Branch Area
Precio inicial
Flujo de caja anual*
Ingresos anuales
ID de listado de Sunbelt
Bienes raíces
Auto repair shop in the Spring Branch area of Houston. Owner is retiring after 32 years of repeat and drive-by business. Facility is equipped with 2 lifts; just bring your tools and tool box and start doing business. Priced for quick sale. Tax returns will document annual revenues. For more information, contact Doug Wisdom at 281-989-9650.
Auto repair shop in the Spring Branch area of Houston. Owner is retiring after 32 years of repeat and drive-by business. Facility is equipped with 2 lifts; just bring your tools and tool box and start doing business. Priced for quick sale. Tax returns will document annual revenues. For more information, contact Doug Wisdom at 281-989-9650.
Las imágenes son imágenes de archivo y no son indicativas del negocio real.
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Descripción de la compañía
Auto repair shop in the Spring Branch area of Houston. Owner is retiring after 32 years of repeat and drive-by business. Facility is equipped with 2 lifts; just bring your tools and tool box and start doing business. Priced for quick sale. Tax returns will document annual revenues. For more information, contact Doug Wisdom at 281-989-9650.
Agente de listado
Doug Wisdom
*El flujo de caja se define como la utilidad neta más impuestos, intereses, depreciación, amortización y compensación al propietario. Ver detalles de ganancias del Vendedor.