Charming Wine Bar for Sale in Richmond
Precio inicial
Flujo de caja anual*
Ingresos anuales
ID de listado de Sunbelt
Bienes raíces
Not Included

This established wine bar is in historic downtown Richmond surrounded by many shops and restaurants. All local cultural events and celebrations take place right at the front door of this location. The indoor bar area covers 1,800 SF of downstairs and upstairs floor space and can accommodate 60 customers at any time. Additional seating is available in the outdoor patio area. Growth Opportunities: The bar is currently operating four days per week from 5 pm until 10 pm. A new owner may want to increase operating hours to increase revenues. The food menu could also be expanded beyond the current cheese and meat tray offerings. Contact Ron Spolane with Sunbelt Business Brokers at 713-854-3481 for complete details.

This established wine bar is in historic downtown Richmond surrounded by many shops and restaurants. All local cultural events and celebrations take place right at the front door of this location. The indoor bar area covers 1,800 SF of downstairs and upstairs floor space and can accommodate 60 customers at any time. Additional seating is available in the outdoor patio area. Growth Opportunities: The bar is currently operating four days per week from 5 pm until 10 pm. A new owner may want to increase operating hours to increase revenues. The food menu could also be expanded beyond the current cheese and meat tray offerings. Contact Ron Spolane with Sunbelt Business Brokers at 713-854-3481 for complete details.
Las imágenes son imágenes de archivo y no son indicativas del negocio real.
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Descripción de la compañía
This established wine bar is in historic downtown Richmond surrounded by many shops and restaurants. All local cultural events and celebrations take place right at the front door of this location. The indoor bar area covers 1,800 SF of downstairs and upstairs floor space and can accommodate 60 customers at any time. Additional seating is available in the outdoor patio area.
Growth Opportunities: The bar is currently operating four days per week from 5 pm until 10 pm. A new owner may want to increase operating hours to increase revenues. The food menu could also be expanded beyond the current cheese and meat tray offerings.
Contact Ron Spolane with Sunbelt Business Brokers at 713-854-3481 for complete details.
Agente de listado
Ron Spolane
Food and Beverage
*El flujo de caja se define como la utilidad neta más impuestos, intereses, depreciación, amortización y compensación al propietario. Ver detalles de ganancias del Vendedor.